About Us

Trinidad and Tobago Orchid Society is a Society located in Trinidad and Tobago

The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is made up of the two southernmost islands of the Caribbean chain. Trinidad is approximately 10 kilometres east of the Paria Peninsula of north-east Venezuela while Tobago is approximately 35 kilometres northeast of Trinidad. The islands lie at about 10 degrees north latitude. The population of the Republic is about 1.5 million.

The geographic formation of the islands indicate that, unlike the other islands of the Caribbean, Trinidad and Tobago were once part of the South American mainland.

The most complete account and description of native orchids of this country is found in"Orchids of Trinidad and Tobago" by Richard Evans Schultes PH.D., F.L.S.

The Society was founded in 1956 as The Trinidad Orchid Society - an amateur non-profit society. TTOS is an affiliated society of the American Orchid Society. Psychopsis Papilio is the emblem of the Society. It is one of seven species of oncidiums found in Trinidad and Tobago. It was first imported into England in the 1800s and initiated the craze for orchid collecting in Europe.

The Objectives of the Society are to provide

Education, Cultivation and Conservation.


The Society usually meets on the third Sunday morning of each month at different venues in Trinidad and Tobago. This page will give monthly meeting information. A bi-monthly newsletter is distributed to all members confirming dates and venues. The Agenda for meetings includes talks on the above topics and the presentation of the Show Table display of Members' flowering orchid hybrids and species. Guests are welcome. Each year an Orchid Show is staged as part of the objective to educate the public about this exotic plant family. For information on Show dates and times contact the Society.

The Society has a judging system and awards excellence in flower form and in cultivation in keeping with the standards of the AOS.


Members of the Society have formed a conservation subcommittee and also have undertaken a project to conduct an inventory of local orchid species.

Here is a link to a youtube documentary on Aripo Savannas produced for the Aripo Savannas Stakeholders Management Committee by the EMA.
I noted Mr McMillan's name was misspelled but we had no input into the editing. I am hoping it can be corrected. Three more programs are planned. This is an example of the input of TTOS members into conservation projects.