Rlc. Williette Wong in Cultivation by Members

Found 8 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Ben MG Rlc. Williette Wong 'the best'
BJ Lough Blc. Williette Wong
Günther Eilers Rlc. Williette Wong 'The Best' Bark #3
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Blc. Williette Wong 'The Best'
Linda Thorne Rlc. Williette Wong 'The Best' Large yellow blooms of heavy substance, lip is crimson red with yellow eyes. Nicely fragrant Grow in bright filtered light, allow to become slightly moist prior to watering again.
Melvin Waki Rlc. Williette Wong 'The Best' A cattleya that should be in everyone's collection. Blooms with 2-3 flowers usually in June. Very frequent winner of best yellow cattleya trophy at Shows. Flowers present themselves well with so... Read more Grown in orchid bark mix under 50% shade cloth. Robust grower. Prone to black rot.
Molly Ramsey Bettridge Blc. Williette Wong var. The Best x BLC Oconee Mendenhall
Sharon Stretton Rlc. Williette Wong