Phal. schilleriana in Cultivation by Members

Found 12 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Adrienne Alexander Phal. schillerana Bark/sphag/perlite
Alessandra Longoni Phal. schilleriana Mounted on cork
Brandon Orihuela Phal. schilleriana 'Orange Lip'
Brooke B Phal. schilleriana var. Round leaves
David Anderson Phal. schilleriana
Mary Lane Phal. schilleriana Mounted
R .Benson Phal. schilleriana 'Rose Perfume'
Sally K Phal. schilleriana
s mcn Phal. schilleriana
Vickie Seibert Phal. schilleriana 'from Sabah' This is her First Bloom! This particular strain comes from the Malaysian state of Sabah in the northeast section of the island of Borneo. The Sabah strain produces large plants with huge showy bra... Read more Kiwi Bark Mix.
Wyatt Parker Phal. schilleriana
Xavier Hung Phal. schilleriana var. purpurea