Asctm. hendersonianum in Cultivation by Members

Found 9 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Charlotte McCumber Dy. hendersoniana
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Dy. hendersoniana
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Dy. hendersoniana
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Dy. hendersoniana
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Dy. hendersoniana
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Dy. hendersoniana
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Dy. hendersoniana
Nate La Breche Dy. hendersoniana Miniature. Kept too dry initially so did not grow. Repotted it into a finer bark using a pot with less drainage. Growing better now.
Taylor Boyle Dy. hendersoniana 2" air pot, small amount of organic material, miniature - blooming size