(Augusto Delight x Sankamphaeng)
V. Augusta Delight x V. Sankamphaeng
10b Red Ribbon GCOA mtg. 3/17/22. Blue Ribbon GCOA Annual Show 3/25/22.
Florida South Coast Orchids
Description: V 10 a,b. Purchased 02/23/19 in bloom NOS Botanical Garden Show for $127 from Jim of Florida South Coast Orchids. Same as V-49. Split to two plants 02/09/22. Top pic is of 10b 02/20/22. 10a is the top severe palm tree 10b. Bottom is 7 smaller plants. 10b Red Ribbon GCOA mtg. 03/17/22. Blue Ribbon GCOA Annual Show 03/25/22. Same as V-49 NOS Best in Show 2/16/23
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Plant record added about 3 years ago.