Description: This is the only Cattleya [other than C. nobilor] that the terminal, shorter, 1 to few flowered inflorescence arises from the base of the pseudobulb appearing as a new growth thatit hails from Brazil where it grows on giant old trees on rocky limestone plateaus or small trees or moist rocks near streams at elevations up to 2000 meters with jointed, bulbous or shortly fusiform, shiny yellow pseudobulbs carrying a single [rarely 2], apical, elliptic or ovate, leathery leaf that is rounded apically and blooms mostly in the fall but can occur at other times [see varieties below] on a 3 [7.5 cm] long, arcuate, single to few [1 to 3] flowered inflorescence carrying fragrant flowers that open very flat.
FLOWER SIZE: 4 1/2 inches [9 to 12 cm] -- information provided by Jay Pfahl, author of the Internet Orchid Species Encyclopedia (IOSPE).