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Ang. virginalis

This plant is matched to the orchid database

Grower is Carmen Bou-Crick

Located in Miami, FL, United States

Ecuadorquideas 1/14/2023
Description: ORIGIN: Found in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia in wet montane forests as a large sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial in deep shade on steep humid hillsides, in wet montane forests at elevations of 1250 to 2400 meters. DESCRIPTION: This orchid has "ovoid to oblong-ovoid, lightly compressed pseudobulbs with 2 pairs of basal sheaths that have apical, evanescent, soon scarious, foliaceous extensions and have 3 to 4, narrow to broadly oblanceolate, acute leaves with stiff ribs and a long attenuate petiole that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a stout, basal, to 10 [25 cm] long inflorescence with 5 to 7 large bracts and a large, inflated, acuminate floral bract that conceals the ovary all arising on a newly developing pseudobulb and carrying a single, showy, fleshy, pleasingly fragrant flower. Flower size is 1 2/5 inches [3.5 cm] -- information provided by Jay Pfahl, author of the Internet Orchid Species Encyclopedia (IOSPE)."
Culture: This plant loves a deep shade and humid environment.

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Plant record added about 2 years ago.

3 plants of Ang. virginalis cultivated by all members.
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