(Catasetum Frilly Doris X Catasetum lucis)
Sunset Valley Orchids
Description: Fast growing large plant with multiple spikes of green blooms with dark brown markings. Can produce multiple spikes of male or female blooms. Produces 2-4 new growths annually. Blooms early to mid summer.
Culture: Grown outside in 6" clay pot with sphagnum and watered at least once per week year round. When grown in 6-8000 fc, I got male blooms but moved to 10-11000 fc this year and got 9 spikes (5 male & 4 female) with up to 14 & 5 blooms per spike, respectively. Water and fertilize heavily (1 tbsp/gal) during growth but withhold fertilizer during winter dormancy. Intermix sphagnum and osmocote when repotting.
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Plant record added over 4 years ago.