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Anat. sertularioides

This plant is matched to the orchid database

Grower is Kim Kelley

Located in Alpharetta, Georgia, United States

Andy's Orchids
Description: Indigenous to: Jamaica. Also known as Pleurothallis sertularioides. "Minute plant forming an attractive dense mat of tiny thick 1/2" light-green leaves growing on a rambling/branching rhizome, short single-flowered spikes arise from the apex of the leaf, the tiny 1/8" blooms are transluscent pale green." Free Flowering Throughout the Year. View this plant in the photo, it is second from the left.
Culture: Bright; 2500-3500 Footcandles (very bright indirect light)[mine is in a brightish bathroom window]. 55°F min. to 85°F max [my house stays between 67 and 73 degrees]. Moist; 3-5 waterings per week (let dry lightly between waterings)[I water mine every day with tap water since it is mounted on a stick and doesn't have all that much moss between it and the stick]. I also have a humidifier nearby and an ac/heat vent a couple feet away but not pointing at the orchids.

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Plant record added almost 4 years ago.