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Laelia Purpurata var. Russeliana

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Grower is Riccardo Michieletto

Located in Venezia, Italy

Laelia Purpurata
Zanatta Alberto
Description: Big botanic Plant can grow up to 50-60 cm tall. my plant is a flowering division. Strictly monofoliated, produces up to 5 (maybe more) very big, VERY GOOD SCENTED, (smells like honey) flowers up to 14 cm each flowers during MAY, long lasting around 30-45 days if well keep. Flowers solid white, the lip is open wide with pink veins and shading with a darker pink feather in the middle. the upper part has a vibrant yellow dot around the column area
Culture: Mounted on wooden log with sphagnum moss. Loves warm and humid temperatures constant ventilation, during summer grows very fast, frequent watering, let dry well before next. Tolerates VERY well direct sunlight with a very good and constant ventilation

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Plant record added about 2 months ago.