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More Photos of plant Cattlianthe Auri Guis plant grown by Robert Rand.:

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  1. William Gorski
    about 1 month ago
    This cross has been registered and named Cattlianthe Auri Guis
    1. Robert Rand
      about 1 month ago
      orchid roots as it registered by "none". Do you know did register it? I keep a separate excel file/db of all my orchids and would like to enter something other than None. It was purchased from Sunset Valley Orchids. Thanks again for noticing and providing me with the registered name.
    2. Robert Rand
      about 1 month ago
      Thank-you for that info!

Cattlianthe Auri Guis plant grown by Robert Rand.

This plant is not matched to the orchid database

Grower is Robert Rand

Located in Ashland, VA, United States

Cattlianthe Auri Guis plant grown by Robert Rand.
Cattleya Florence Lin 'Wine Drops' AM/AOS x Cattlianthe Trick or Treat 'Orange Magic' AM/AOS
Sunset Valley Orchids
Description: Vigorous growing orchid. Likes to spread up and out. It has been blooming for 37 days, dropping lower flowers, hanging on to the last opening, top two on both spikes. Definitely a keeper! Both parents were AM/AOS awarded.
Culture: Culture: Grown indoors under LED light, 5,000-6,500k, 6,000-8,000 lumens. Media is medium Orchiata bark with coconut husk chunks, hydroton clay popcorn and a little sphagnum moss. Humidity is maintained at 50-60%. Light cycle is 13.5 hours in summer to 11 hours in winter - gradually changing. Temperature low in winter is 65 degrees. Temperature high in summer is 79 degrees.

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Plant record added about 1 month ago.