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Max. gracilifolia in Cultivation by Members

Found 30 plants.
Member Orchid Name Description Culture
Alessandra Longoni Max. tenuifolia Bark
Ben MG Max. tenuifolia
BJ Lough Max. tenuifolia var. Yellow 'Yamada'
Cara Anderson Max. tenuifolia 'Yamada'
Christiaan Viljoen Max. tenuifolia
Clyde Montgomery II Max. tenuifolia
Damian Hernandez Max. tenuifolia
Dean Sampson Max. tenuifolia
EDUARDO MARQUEZ Max. tenuifolia
Frances LaVigne Max. tenuifolia 'Yamada' Yellow Leca
Henry Shaw Max. tenuifolia In an open basket in sphagnum (plus a little fir bark)
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Max. tenuifolia
Jeanne Uzar Hudson Max. tenuifolia
Jefferson Lenzi Max. tenuifolia
Jefferson Lenzi Max. tenuifolia var. Dark
Jian Zou Max. tenuifolia
John Appelbaum Max. tenuifolia Summer outside in reduced light. Winter moist under light with humidity. Never bloomed
Joseph Smith Max. tenuifolia Grown as a Lithophyte on a rock wall on my property
Katarzyna Dlugozima Max. tenuifolia
Liz Falvo Max. tenuifolia
Marie Staples Max. tenuifolia
Mark Bennett Max. tenuifolia
Mary Lane Max. tenuifolia Blooms profusely in April or May. Flowers last about a month. Smells like coconut. Hangs under a tree and receives morning sun.
Melvin Waki Max. tenuifolia This Maxillaria makes an excellent specimen plant. The plant gives off a lot of keikis. The flowers have a strong coconut fragrance. The plant is growing in a 6-inch plastic web basket with New Zealand Sphagnum Moss as the media. The plant is hung in the open under 50 percent shade cloth.
Michael J Clifford Max. tenuifolia Semuc Champey & Tikal, Guatemala
Michael Overton Max. tenuifolia var. red
Michael Overton Max. tenuifolia var. yellow 'Yamada'
Michelle S. Jones Max. tenuifolia 50-80% humidity; watered when dry (1-3x/week, more in summer if necessary); southern window, shaded (under grow light in winter for extra light); 65-80 degress F; fertilized half strength liquid fe... Read more
Nicholas Goode Max. tenuifolia
Nicholas Stein Max. tenuifolia