Miami Orchid Society

Located in United States

Upcoming Organization Events

There are no featured upcoming events for Miami Orchid Society in ORCHIDS.ORG yet. Upcoming events can be entered by the organization site admin.

Past Organization Events

Redland International Orchid Festival

Join the best orchid growers in the world along with fellow avid orchid fans for three days of our orchid mania.

Tamiami International Orchid Festival

Please note the change in date.  The Tamiami International Orchid Festival is Miami’s largest, most diverse orchid show. Tickets are $15 at the door, buy in advance to save. Kids under 12 are free

Tamiami International Orchid Festival

This is a change of venue for the Tamiami Intl Orchid Festival which is usually in Miami. In 2021 it is being held outdoors at the Fruit & Spice Park (where the Redland Intl Orchid Festival is help in May). Tickets can be prepurchased for $10 or at the door for $15. There is also a VIPP ticket for Thursday afternoon, Sept. 30th.

Miami Orchid Society's "Tamiami International Orchid Festival"

Miami Orchid Society's "Tamiami International Orchid Festival" is being held January 17 - 19, 2020 at the Dade County Fairgrounds Expo Center, Fuchs Pavilion, 10901 Coral Way (SW 24 St.), Miami, FL. Judging is being held on January 17, 2020 at 8:00 AM.

Miami Orchid Society's "Tamiami International Orchid Festival"

Miami Orchid Society's "Tamiami International Orchid Festival," is being held January 11 - 13, 2019 at the Dade County Fairgrounds Expo Center, Fuchs Pavilion, 10901 Coral Way (SW 24 St.), Miami, FL. Judging is being held on January 11, 2019 at 8:00 AM.

NOTE: This organization does not yet have a site admin. Site administrators can keep the organization records up to date as well as schedule events, and enter past events, menu items and pages. If you would like to be the site admin for Miami Orchid Society, email with your information, including your role within the organization.