Can Zygopetalum (genus) be added to the look-up?

General Discussion

by Adrienne Alexander

Could the administrator add Zygopetalum (genus) and its various species or subgroups and hybrids to the site?

I have a NoID that I'd like to identify.  All Iknow is that it's a Zygopetalum.  I assume that its a hybrid.  Would like to learn more about this group.

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  1. Adrienne Alexander
    over 6 years ago
    Thank you, Carol. I will send a pic of the one that's currently in bloom., About to receive two more Zygopetalum family hybrids from Fred Clarke (Sunset Valley Orchids). Can't wait.
  2. Carol Holdren
    over 6 years ago
    Adrienne, if you would like to send me a photo, email to, I will look on Orchid Wiz - or if you know someone with a copy of orchid wiz they can research it. Hybrids are difficult.
    1. Adrienne Alexander
      over 6 years ago
      Have a photo. Not sure what I need to do to get it to you
  3. Sys Admin
    over 6 years ago
    Zygopetalum is part of the site. You can find it here:
    1. Adrienne Alexander
      over 6 years ago
      Thank you.
    2. Sys Admin
      over 6 years ago
      Alternatively, you can go to Orchids -> Search Genera and then type "Zygo". It will list all the genera with "zygo" as part of the name and you can select "Zygopetalum."

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