ID of this Oncidium?

Oncidium Alliance

by Joe L

Just got this no ID from a local dealer, he's not sure about the exact ID either. He got it from a wholesaler in Taiwan. 

It smells very similar to my Onc heaven scent with strong vanilla flavor, but also it has an extra flowery/spicy twist. I've looked all over the internet but couldn't find anything looks exactly the same, the closest I could found is Onc. Guann Shin Sweetheart, however, mine even has a little white which this one doesn't have. 

Any help will be appreciated!

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  1. Joe L
    over 2 years ago
    Thank you so much Carol!
  2. Carol Holdren
    over 2 years ago
    Hi Joe, After a search on Orchid Wiz, I think it is a Onc sotoanum hybrid and possible Onc. Ruffles or a hybrid from Ruffles. I could not find photos of the progeny of Onc. Ruffles but Onc. Heaven Sent is one of them. Hope this helps, Carol

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