looking for info about an unregistered cattleya

Cattleya Alliance

by bob lewis

...good afternoon to all...my neighbor grows some orchids...i doubt he knows the name of a single one except the few i've handed him over the fence...he has now returned the favor after several of my "no thank you's"...it looked good coming over the fence and had a name tag...i win, right?...sad now as i find it's not registered and i can't find a reference on the internet...


...anyone ever seen or heard of this plant?...Cattleya Golden Helton 'Kudos'...i divided it and repotted...i'm growing it indoors and have a very nice new growth on one division...

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  1. Robert H. Findlay
    about 4 years ago
    It may be a named but unregistered mericlone. Someone else has bloomed one - see https://www.flickriver.com/photos/nolehace_photography/tags/cattleya/
  2. Alex Maximiano
    about 5 years ago
    There was an Rlc. Golden Ellen registered in 2014 by Resella Orchids. The name sounds similar. Could you post a photo?
    1. bob lewis
      over 4 years ago
      ...just bloomed...would love to post a photograph but i don't see how to do that here...
    2. Alex Maximiano
      about 5 years ago
      Rosella Orchids
  3. Alex Maximiano
    about 5 years ago
    That's a hard one. The cultivar name "Kudos" comes from Kudos Orchids in Taiwan (Victor Yu). They were in business in 2010, I don't know if it is still the case. "Golden" is too common a name. There are five cattleyas with "Helton" in the name, but none registered in the last 30 years.

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