Selfing Question on Pollinating.

General Discussion

by Edward Zapata

If you are going to do a selfing pollination on a BLC (or any orchid), does it make a difference if you pollinate from one flower to the next on the same plant vs pollinating the same flower where you got the pollin from? If you pollinate from one flower to the next is that still considered a Selfing or is another nomenclature used? Any advantage? 

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  1. Edward Zapata
    about 6 years ago
    Thanks. Great reply and technique. It makes a lot of sense.
  2. Carol Holdren
    about 6 years ago
    HI, Thanks for asking the question because it gave me the chance to ask Roy Tokunaga of H&R Orchids. Roy is in town for the Tamiami Orchid Show last week. Roy said it makes no difference if you pollinate at same flower. If it is a BLC and their is only one flower then you have no choice. However, if there are several inflorescences, Roy will take pollen from the youngest flower and put it on the healthiest mature flower with a healthy pseudo bulb. And Roy said there is no difference in nomenclature, it is a selfing.

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