shorter stem with less vigorous blooms


by katherine mott

the plants stems are growing much shorter than their original bloom with less buds and are setting buds too soon.  i fertilize with miracle-gro orchid food once a month, 1/4 c and water weekly 1/4 c water.  i mist them once a week.  do they need to be repotted?  am i doing something wrong or is this normal?  feedback would be much appreciated.  

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  1. Carol Holdren
    10 months ago
    Fertilize! Reduce water & fertilizer when temps are cool.
  2. Carol Holdren
    10 months ago
    And phals do like to be repotted. If you are growing inside you can repot w a high quality sphagnum moss - the cheap stuff doesn’t last. And if the flowers don’t look good, cut the spike off so all of the plants energy goes into growth for next year. That is what award winners do - they don’t let the plant bloom until it is very strong, they control the temperature & they fertize
  3. Carol Holdren
    10 months ago
    Also, when purchasing plants look for ones w 2 spikes
  4. Carol Holdren
    10 months ago
    If you have a local grower or society, visit them and see what kind of results they are getting w phals they grow. Many growers order in phals from a wholesaler and they already have buds set. I live in Florida & they grow phals by the millions around Apopka.
  5. Carol Holdren
    10 months ago
    Katherine, it sounds like you are doing a great job w your phals. Assuming this is a standard phal (as opposed to a miniature or novelty) the flowering is induced by shorter days & night temp about 65 for 2-5 weeks. It is difficult to replicate the conditions professionals can create to get the large number of flowers that they do. In Taiwan they get 30+ flowers per inflorescence.

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