Vanda Samsri Gory

General Discussion

by Susan smith


The Easter of 2019 I acquired in Northern NSW a Vanda Samsri Gory Pink. 

I brought it back to Sydney where it is conderably cooler. It lives in a sunroom that is north facing. I spray it with water daily, soak it once a week with diluted seasol (1 cap to 1 bucket)  and once a week with plain water. It's root system and leaves have grown considerable and it looks very healthy. However it has not flowered sure nice I bought it last year. 
Should it have flowered again by now? 

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  1. Carol Holdren
    almost 5 years ago
    Could the name be V. Somsri Glory?
  2. Carol Holdren
    almost 5 years ago
    Hi Susan, I tried to look the plant up on Orchid Wiz, the database that would show what species are in the background, but I can’t find either name. Carol

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