Which is correct?

General Discussion

by John Small

I have multiple questions. My Cattleya intermedia v. orlata 'Crownfox' just bloomed. I noticed in the official description for awarded plants, it is listed as C. intermedia h.f. orlata 'Crownfox'. Which is correct v., var., variety, or h.f. and what does the h.f. mean? Secondly, 'Crownfox' has been awarded four times, twice by the TOGA (Taiwan Orchid Growers Association?) and twice by the AOS. In 1998, it was awarded a 79 point HCC/AOS in West Palm Beach and in 2007, it was awarded an 83 point AM/AOS in Alabama at the Heart of Dixie Orchid Society show. In 2007 and 2011, it was awarded the TRO by the TOGA at the monthly ribbon judging. When describing the plant on the my plants page, do I list all of these under awards, just the highest or just the most recent? Does the AM supercede and replace the HCC?

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  1. Carol Holdren
    over 4 years ago
    Hi John, h.f. Stands for Horticultural Form which indicates it is not an recognized official variety. Yes, the AM does supersede the HCC and and the AM became a part of the official name. You can list all of the awards but I would drop the HCC. Carol
    1. John Small
      over 4 years ago
      Hi, Carol, I wasn't sure if the AM only applied to the plant that was awarded, or to all that have been tagged orlata. So there is no variety 'orlata' and the plant would be C. intermedia 'Crownfox' AM/AOS, and there would be no C. intermedia orlata 'Rio', just C. intermedia 'Rio'? Or can you keep the orlata in the name as long as you use the h.f.? Thank you. As always, you have come through for me. Gotta say, I'm missing the shows. Hope all is well for you. Stay safe. John

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