Orchid |
M? |
Visible |
Description |
Culture |
Phal. Lady Pink |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted on wood. Hung under tree with dappled shade and morning light. |
Phal. Little Gem Stripes |
Yes |
Public |
Phal. Mini Mark var. Holm |
Yes |
Public |
Mini white orchid with yellow spots and yellow lip. |
Potted in sphagnum moss, kept in house western facing window. Watered when dry. |
Phal. philippinensis |
Yes |
Public |
White with light pink phalaenopsis from the Philippines. Yellow lip with red dashs in center.
Lovely branches of flowers sway in the breeze. |
Roots attached on a tree fern box, hangs under a Cassia tree. Gets Morning light. |
Phal. schilleriana |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted |
Phal. Sogo Vivien var. F858 |
Yes |
Public |
Beautiful small raspberry striped phalaenopsis |
Grown in spaghnum moss in a pottery container. Hangs in the shade of a tree where it receives dappled eastern sunlight. |
Phal. Surf Song |
Yes |
Public |
Spaghnum moss. Kept under roofline, facing East. Morning sun, dappled shade |
Phal. Timothy Christopher 'Soroa Cotton Ball' HCC/AOS |
Yes |
Public |
Small white flowers with yellow/ white lip and purple horizontal dashes on either side. |
Hangs in a small wooden basket with a little sphagnum moss. |
Phal. Younghome Lilien var. Little Berry |
Yes |
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Phal. Yu Pin Easter Island var. 619 |
Yes |
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Lava rock,kept under roofline in shade |
Phcal. Kryptonite 'Chariots of Fire' |
Yes |
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Soil and sand, terrestrial. Sits on a dish with pebbles and water, Lanai. Light shade in dry season. Deciduous. |
Psh. cochleata |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs under a tree with eastern exposure |
Rcn. Magic Wand var. Sapphire |
Yes |
Public |
Wired bare rooted in small plastic basket, hangs under a Holly tree, watered daily. |
Ren. bella |
Yes |
Public |
Moss and chips |
Rhy. coelestis 'Blue' |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs Bare rooted under a tree with eastern exposure |
Rl. Aristocrat |
Yes |
Public |
Rl. Aristocrat var. Fiddler’s Green’ |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock |
Rl. digbyana |
Yes |
Public |
Lava Rock |
Rl. glauca |
Yes |
Public |
Basket |
Rlc. American Freedom var. Crystelle |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. American Freedom 'Crystelle' |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Annie Belle var. KrullSmith |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Arom Gold var. Volcano Queen |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock, grown on west facing lanai |
Rlc. Bill Krull var. Krull’s Primavera |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Black Forest var. Dark Splendor |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted on ?wood |
Rlc. Burdekin Wonder 'Lakeland' |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock |
Rlc. Chinese Beauty |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Esther Costa var. Orange Fantasy HCC AOS |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock in a clay/ ceramic pot |
Rlc. Fritz Nickolaus |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Golf Green var. Hairy Pig |
Yes |
Public |
Very frilly, green Rlc. With a touch of pink on its lip and white frills at the edges of the sepals and petals. Delicious lime green color. |
Lava rock |
Rlc. Haw Yuan Beauty var. Kong |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Hsinying Williette NN 889 |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs in West facing lanai. Bark mix. |
Rlc. Jessie Lee var. Hawaii |
Yes |
Public |
Solid orange |
Rlc. Kuwale Gem |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Memoria Floyd Irvin Bachrach var. Hsinying |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Paco Vidal |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Pamela Finney var. All Victory |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Paradise Rose var. Fuschia |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isle' |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock |
Rlc. Prada Green Deluxe |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock |
Rlc. Rob Schneider var. Yellow |
Yes |
Public |
Yellow with red lip |
Plastic pot with rock. Placed under west facing lanai. Watered with Cattleyas. Fertilized weekly, weakly. |
Rlc. Ruben's Verde var. Lime Sherbert |
Yes |
Public |
Grown in lava rock and clay pot, on western facing screened lanai. |
Rlc. Sanyo Butterfly 'Parkside' |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Shin Shiang Diamond var. #1 |
Yes |
Public |
Lava rock , kept in lanai with western exposure |
Rlc. Taiwan Ruby var. Orchis |
Yes |
Public |
Rlc. Triumphal Coronation var. Seto |
Yes |
Public |
Frilly, deep pink orchid with yellow and magenta lip. |
Plastic pot with rock. Kept on west facing lanai.
Watered with cattleyas. Fertilized weekly, weakly. |
Rlc. Yingluck Smile 'New Day' |
Yes |
Public |
Rth. Burana Beauty var. Burana |
Yes |
Public |
Potted in lava rock, watered once to twice a week in dry season, fertilized weekly, Fungicide monthly |
Rth. Elizabeth Palmer |
Yes |
Public |
Rth. Eye Candy 'Sweet Sensation ' |
Yes |
Public |
Orchid mix |
Rth. Fu Shu Glory var. Happy Holiday |
Yes |
Public |
Two tone Yellow Splash |
Hangs, bare rooted, with vandals, under tree. It receives morning sun and water daily. |
Rth. Golden Chieftain |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted hangs under a tree and gets dappled morning sun |
Rth. Linda Vee var. Kira - Cluster Orange |
Yes |
Public |
Deep orange blooms with a touch of red on the lip |
Grown in lava rock; Kept on West facing screened lanai. |
Rth. Love Passion var. Island Romance |
Yes |
Public |
Rth. Love Passion 'Island Romance' |
Yes |
Public |
Lava Rock with charcoal mix |
Rth. Momilani Rainbow var. Rainbow |
Yes |
Public |
Black open grid basket with Styrofoam at the bottom and lava rock with some charcoal mix and nutricote. |
Rth. Momilani Rainbow |
Yes |
Public |
Lava Rock
kept on west facing lanai |
Rth. Triple Love |
Yes |
Public |
Clear plastic pot with a little sphagnum moss and lava rock and a mix of charcoal and sponge rock A sprinkling of Nutricote. |
Rth. Young-Min Orange |
Yes |
Public |
Ryps. Dixie Delight |
Yes |
Public |
Hanging bare rooted in small basket under trees. Dappled shade. Morning and afternoon light |
Sei. mitrata |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted. Kept under tree with Eastern exposure. Watered with vandals, daily |
Sgr. Yokosuka Story var. Little Oriole |
Yes |
Public |
Blooms have Light green petals and sepals with a large deep yellow lip and a tri-colored column of green , pink and yellow |
Potted in rock. Kept on a west facing screened lanai. |
Sgr. Yokosuka Story 'Canary' |
Yes |
Public |
Shk. Big Shot var. Hilo Sparkle |
Yes |
Public |
East facing shaded bright light, under roofline Treat as an Oncidium. Likes cooler temperatures. Water before it dries out. |
Shk. Big Shot var. Hilo Sparkle |
Yes |
Public |
East facing shaded bright light, under roofline Treat as an Oncidium. Likes cooler temperatures.
Water before it dries out. |
Tolu. Fantasy var. Brandon |
Yes |
Public |
Tolu. Jairak Firm var. Big Bang |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted on a cylinder of cork. Hung under trees. Morning sun |
Tolu. Jairak Flyer var. Purple |
Yes |
Public |
Tolu. Jairak Rainbow |
Yes |
Public |
Mounted and hung under tree with morning sun. |
Tolu. variegata |
Yes |
Public |
1/2” white flowers with yellow center. |
Mounted on cork. Hung off a tree branch. |
V. Angelica Vale |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted, under a Holly tree. Receives morning and early afternoon sun. |
V. Brighton Jade |
Yes |
Public |
V. coerulescens |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted in a 2” plastic basket under trees with morning light |
V. denisoniana var. Orange form |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs with other Vandas under tree, with daily irrigation |
V. Doctor Anek |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs under trees with dappled morning light and some afternoon light.
Fertilized weekly weakly. |
V. Fuchs Sunrise |
Yes |
Public |
V. garayi |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under a Holly tree. |
V. Haad Ravai |
Yes |
Public |
Hanging bare rooted under Holly. Dappled shade |
V. Helen Kimball |
Yes |
Public |
Big, 5” flowers, Deep Pink Sanderiana type Vanda. Deeper color on bottom . Dark, magenta lip. |
Hangs bare-rooted with small plastic basket under a Holly tree Receives mid to late day sun |
V. Ho-Kin Ng |
Yes |
Public |
An elegant primary hybrid with bright lips, creamy white flowers with chestnut mottling in sepals and petals.
* Sweetly fragrant. |
Grown on clay pot with lava rock.
Kept under lanai cage, with west facing exposure |
V. Kanchana Lavender Mist Louie |
Yes |
Public |
Bare rooted in a wire basket under a Golden Rain Tree with Eastern sun . Watered with irrigation once or twice a day, depending on the season |
V. Khaoyai Blue |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under a Golden Rain Tree |
V. Kulwadee Fragrance |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under Cassia tree with morning sun. Daily early morning irrigation |
V. Lan Mei |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under trees dappled shade |
V. Memoria Bud Richey |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under a tree. With daily watering. Afternoon sun. |
V. Motes Hot Mama |
Yes |
Public |
Wired bare rooted in a 5” basket |
V. Motes Mahogany |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted in a wood basket, under trees getting morning sun |
V. Pachara Delight |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs under a Holly tree. Receives dappled afternoon light. Watered daily. Fertilized weekly. |
V. Princess Mikasa var. Rosada |
Yes |
Public |
Hanging in a small Vanda pot, under a tree where it gets daily watering from irrigation system. |
V. Pure's Wax var. Pink |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted in a wire basket under a Holly Tree. Watered daily. Twice during dry season; fertilized weakly, weekly; |
V. Rasri Gold |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under a Holly tree. Receives afternoon dappled light |
V. Robert's Delight |
Yes |
Public |
Hung in a small plastic basket, bare rooted with other Vandas under a tree with light shade and morning sun 🌞. Watered daily or twice daily in dry season with irrigation or by hand. Nutricote in te... Read more |
V. Spotted Sunshine |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs bare rooted under Cassia worth morning sun |
V. Suksamran Sunlight var. ‘Orange’ |
Yes |
Public |
Wired, bare rooted; hangs under a Holly Tree |
V. SunCoast's Golden Sunshine |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs mounted on a mahogany tree branch, located under a Cassia tree where it gets morning sun. |
V. tessellata var. Blue lip |
Yes |
Public |
V. Thai Spots |
Yes |
Public |
Spotted yellow Vanda |
Hangs bare rooted under a tree with dappled bright light |
V. Uraiwan Belle |
Yes |
Public |
Hanging bare rooted under Holly tree. |
V. Yano Blue var. Ploenpit |
Yes |
Public |
Bare rooted, hangs under tree. |
V. Yellow Butterfly var. #539 |
Yes |
Public |
Hangs under trees with Eastern exposure |