Found 12 plants
grown by Patricia Bacchetti.
Column "M?" indicates if plant matched to orchid database.
Orchid |
M? |
Visible |
Description |
Culture |
Dendrobium kingiannum 'alba' |
No |
Public |
White flowers |
Aquired 4/3/2022, divided from larger plant and potted up today; bark and perlite; grown outdoors SF Bay Area. Anna Chai hybrid |
Dendrobium kingianum 'Cinnabar' |
No |
Public |
Deep purple flowers |
Purchased 4/3/2022; division from larger plant potted up today, in bloom, bark and perlite; outdoors SF Bay Area |
Masdevallia Machu Pichu 'Crown Point ' AM/AOS |
No |
Public |
Deep burgundy flowers |
Aquired 4/3/2022, divided from larger plant today and potted in small bark and perlite; grown outdoors SF Bay Area, 1 flower |
Masdevellia niessenia |
No |
Public |
In moss, obtained 2020; grown outdoors SF Bay Area |
Restrepia wageneri |
No |
Public |
Acquired 4/2/2022, D Bond DVOS; bark and perlite; grown in intermediate greenhouse SF Bay Area; blooms continuously |
Cym. Featherhill var. Dolly |
Yes |
Public |
2/2020 SF Orchid Show, grown outdoors in SF Bay Area Oakland, fine bark |
Cym. Ming 'Emperor ' |
Yes |
Public |
2/2020 SF Orchid Show; grown in fine bark outdoors Oakland, SF Bay Area |
L. Little Sunset |
Yes |
Public |
1/2020 Santa Barbara Orchid Estate; in bark, 3” pot, spike; grown outdoors Oakland, SF. Bay Area |
Lyc. skinneri 'Alba' |
Yes |
Public |
2/2020 SF Orchid Show, from Cal-Orchids; 4” pot in moss, cold greenhouse in Oakland, SF Bay Area |
Masd. Cassiope var. Alexa |
Yes |
Public |
Moss |
Masd. pyxis |
Yes |
Public |
In bark, obtained 2/2020 Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, grown outdoors in SF Bay Area |
Sgr. Yokosuka Story |
Yes |
Public |
2/2020; SF Orchid Show; 2-3” pot, in moss; grown outdoors in Oakland, SF Bay Area |