Rhyncholaeliocattleya Little Toshie 'Gold Country' (Awards)

Date Award Org. Points Exhibitor Venue
2017-07-28 1ST CAOB Gustavo T. do Amaral, Araraquara - SP Exposição Nacional de Orquídeas de Bauru - SP
2015-05-22 1ST CAOB Haroldo Wilson Roeder, Americana - SP 11ª Exposição Nacional de Orquídeas de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP
2012-08-17 1ST CAOB Adelfo Membrive, Salto - SP Exposição Nacional de Orquideas de Piracicaba - SP
2011-05-06 HB1 CAOB Orquidário Reunidos, Cordeirópolis - SP 6ª Exposição Nacional de Orquideas de Araras - SP
1999-05-08 HCC SAOC 78 Mrs. C. Coll, Durban, South Africa Judged by Natal Region
1997-11-15 AM AOS 82 Gold Country Orchids, Lincoln, California Houston Center Monthly Judging, Houston, Texas
1996-10-12 HCC AOS 79 Gold Country Orchids, Lincoln, California Denver Orchid Society Fall Show, Denver, Colorado

New Topics

  1. Mary Lane asked question Orchid roots .com site? in category General Discussion
  2. David George asked question recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots in category General Discussion
  3. katherine mott asked question shorter stem with less vigorous blooms in category Phalaenopsis
  4. Glenda Ratliff started topic need info on yellow bird in category General Discussion
  5. Paula Milano asked question Looking to join an orchid club. in category General Discussion

New Comments

  1. William Gorski commented on topic "Orchid roots .com site?" by Mary Lane
  2. Carol Holdren commented on topic "recently purchased orchid shows unstoppable roots " by David George
  3. Michael Makio commented on orchid V. Beatrice Makio
  4. Carol Holdren commented on topic "shorter stem with less vigorous blooms" by katherine mott
  5. Carol Holdren commented on topic "need info on yellow bird" by Glenda Ratliff
  6. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Looking to join an orchid club." by Paula Milano
  7. Jeanne Uzar Hudson commented on topic "Repotting Large Cattleyas" by Jeanne Uzar Hudson
  8. Jeanne Uzar Hudson commented on member plant Paph. malipoense by Jeanne Uzar Hudson
  9. William Gorski commented on topic "how difficult is it growing from seed" by kevan gregory
  10. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Information " by Carmen Britton