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Carol Holdren topic "Dendrobium wardianum " by Tom De Mello Mac of Mac's Orchids said he has killed a couple of them,... over 7 years ago.
Tom De Mello topic "Dendrobium wardianum " by Tom De Mello HI Carol, many thanks for reaching out. I was at the Redl... over 7 years ago.
Carol Holdren topic "Dendrobium wardianum " by Tom De Mello Hi Tom, I was at the Redland Orchid Festival last weeken... over 7 years ago.
Carol Holdren topic "Dendrobium wardianum " by Tom De Mello Hi Tom, I called Mac of Mac's Orchids who sells Thai plan... over 7 years ago.
Carol Holdren topic "Dendrobium wardianum " by Tom De Mello Hi Tom, I checked Orchid Wiz and see 7 awards, all from ... over 7 years ago.
Alex Maximiano topic "Dendrobium sutiknoi hybrids" by Dave Groffen It has beautiful color. Dendrobium sutiknoi hybrids tend... over 7 years ago.
Alex Maximiano member plant Bct. Little Mermaid 'Janet' by Phillip Ting That is an amazing lip coming through from B. nodosa a co... almost 8 years ago.
Carol Holdren member plant Bct. Little Mermaid 'Janet' by Phillip Ting Love that plant and the photo!! almost 8 years ago.