Grexes of Genus Paphiopedilum Starting with Letter [C]

Found 2,111 grex names.
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Genus Name Genus Grex Name *Status Author Year Cross
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherimoya Ratcliffe 1972 Rampion x Loganna Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherished Gold Ratcliffe 1978 Sarella x Carat Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherissant Ratcliffe 1974 Chipmunk x Challow Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherokee D.Blue 1975 Caddiana x Golden Acres Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherokee Chief L.Wish 1995 Procrustes x rothschildianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherokee Mystic Paphanatics 1996 Cherokee x Green Mystery Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherokee Prince J.Hanes 1978 Pocahontas x Telesis Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherokee Son M.Bamber 2003 Pinocchio x Cherokee Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherrington Black & Flory 1937 Christopher x Euryostom Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherrybark H.B-Hankey 1939 Atlantis x unknown Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Charm A & P Orch. 2019 Cherry Tart x Mustafa's Allure Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Chips J.F.Hughes 1984 Psyche x charlesworthii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Cider Orchid Zone 1998 Black Cherry x Red Prince Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Cola Orchid Zone 1998 Jolly Roger x Black Cherry Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Dragon A & P Orch. 2019 Luther's Dragon x Hsinying Cherry Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Eagle Sorokowsky 2018 Chocolate Eagle x Heatwave Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Gate M.Yamazaki 2003 Skip Bartlett x Lippewunder Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Glacé Ratcliffe 1981 Levity x Playtime Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Glacé (1981) Ratcliffe 1981 Levity x Playtime Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Glace (2004) Robertson Orch. 2004 Macmauden x Red Maude Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Knoll M.Shimoda 2008 Muriel Constance x Hamana Shillda Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Lacquer A & P Orch. 2018 Red Shift x In-Charm Hamavin Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Master J.Fang 2002 mastersianum x Black Cherry Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Pie A.Mochizuki 1996 Virginia Moffett x acmodontum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Plum Ratcliffe 1972 Magrose x Baroque Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Ripe S.Low 1957 City x Vista Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Souffle A & P Orch. 2019 Hsinying Cherry x Red Shift Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Stardust A & P Orch. 2019 Stardust Flight x Hsinying Cherry Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Tart A & P Orch. 2018 Mahaska x Massachusetts Mendored Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Velvet Castle Creek 2009 Butler's Velvet x Magic Cherry Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherryville Adelaide 2002 Beatrice Ernst x Amanda Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherry Wine A.Mochizuki 1995 Ernest Read x charlesworthii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherrywood Ratcliffe 1982 Rosewood x Troyland Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherub Sanders[St Albans] 1951 Elsinore x spicerianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cherwin G.Boyd 1980 Cheryl Ann Boyd x Winston Churchill Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheryl Adams F.Clarke 2017 Makuli x Macabre Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheryl Amundson N.Amundson 1991 Reins of Destiny x Quiberon Bay Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheryl Ann Boyd G.Boyd 1971 Winston Churchill x Roseling Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chesapeake Glow Woodstream 2002 Memoria Samuel Weltz x Engraved Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheselbourne D. 1955 Macastom x Dorothy Kent Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chesham Black & Flory 1928 Christopher x Odin Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chesham Green Black & Flory 1952 Emmer Green x Lady Chesham Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheshire Cat Orchid Zone 1991 Charles Sladden x godefroyae Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chester Sanders[St Albans] 1948 Earl of Chester x glaucophyllum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chesterfield Sanders[St Albans] 1942 Cardinal Mercier x Earl of Chester Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chester Place S.Low 1927 Christopher x Idina Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chester Ross A.Mochizuki 1997 Maudiae x Oriental Frieze Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chester Winfield Rowland Col. 1980 Roseling x Golden Acres Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chestnut Hill S.Low 1939 Chrysostom x Sir William Chance Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chestnut Snow J.R.Edwards 1995 Alice Cain x niveum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chet Byers C/J's Orch. 1997 victoria-regina x glanduliferum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chetnik S.Low 1944 Chester Place x Euryostom Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheval Blanc L.Dunning 1964 Whitemoor x Nimbus Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chevalier Marcel Lecoufle 1987 philippinense x Allright Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chevalier Noir Vach.& Lec. 1973 Rodin x Ravenhunter Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chevening S.Low 1934 Gwen Hannen x King George V Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheviot Sanders[St Albans] 1934 Earl of Tankerville x Eureka Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chevron Ratcliffe 1982 Chivalry x Orcadian Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chevy Chase Unknown 1922 Cappamagna x Crusader Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheyenne W.W.Wilson 1975 Sitting Bull x Sioux Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Cheyenne Autumn Rod McLellan Co. 1979 California Queen x Peralta Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chez Yoshie I.Muramatsu 2008 Via Ojai x County Fair Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Algernon Hsu, Shan-Te wenshanense x glanduliferum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Alison Hsu, Shan-Te philippinense x wenshanense Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Amber Nat.Chiayi University sukhakulii x Chiada Ianthe Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Ashley Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Makuli x In-Charm Silver Bell Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Dora Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Shadow Magic x Nightshadow Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Eleanor Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Kimura's Red x Frank Pearce Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Gill Nat.Chiayi University 2019 delenatii x thaianum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Holly Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Mishima Citron x Hsinying Web Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Ianthe Nat.Chiayi University Shadow Magic x Impulse Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Iris Nat.Chiayi University Chiada Ianthe x venustum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Leah Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Chiada Ashley x delenatii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Mavis Nat.Chiayi University 2019 Hsinying Carlos x Hsinying Rubyweb Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Old Days Dream Nat.Chiayi University 2020 Conliem x lowii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Sun Cake Nat.Chiayi University 2020 delenatii x In-Charm Gold Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Vanessa Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Chiada Eleanor x Enzan Williams Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Victoria Nat.Chiayi University 2014 Chiada Dora x Chiada Holly Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiada Zoe Hsu, Shan-Te liemianum x venustum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chianti Ratcliffe 1962 Gorse x Chilton Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiapas Svoboda Jr,A.C. Minster Lovell x Peter Black Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chia Pet Arnold J.Klehm 2001 Chiara x superbiens Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiara J.Haag 1976 sukhakulii x lawrenceanum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiara Hoffmann W.Hennis 2004 Mildred Hunter x Scarlet Prince Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiarito Rothschild F.Booth 1994 rothschildianum x Chiara Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chicago A.Mochizuki 1995 Ernest Read x sukhakulii Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chichen Itza Svoboda Jr,A.C. Noyo x Elegy Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chichester S.Low 1952 Cardinal Mercier x Zelah Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chi Chi Fair Arnold J.Klehm 1997 Faire-Maud x Chiara Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chickadee G.Hoyt 1968 John Dovan x W. N. Evans Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chickasaw W.W.Wilson 1969 Great Mogul x Gigi Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chico Rod McLellan Co. 1983 Gigi x Pinkridge Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chico Mendes H.Doll 1991 Prime Child x glaucophyllum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chicopee W.W.Wilson 1971 concolor x Golden Slipper Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiddingfold Black & Flory 1935 Gertrude West x John Henry Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chief Eagle J.Hanes 1979 Burleigh Mohur x Hellas Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chief Joseph Baker & Chantry 1996 Maudiae x tonsum Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chiefly Anja A & P Orch. 2018 Chief Eagle x Anja Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chief Mystic A & P Orch. 2000 Chief Eagle x Mystic Isle Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
Paphiopedilum Paph Chieftain Black & Flory 1932 Chardmoore x J. M. Black Show Add To My Plants List for Sale or Trade
*A Status of "Valid" for a species means it is the name accepted by taxonomists per the Kew List of Monocots ; for a hybrid it means it is the correct genus according to the Royal Horticulture Society

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  8. Carol Holdren commented on topic "Blooming Stenglottis Venus “jamboree “" by John Urey
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