The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Fungicides

Fungicides Comments
FUNGICIDES: Broad-spectrum Benlate (benomyl) or Banrot are best. A76-206 0
FUNGICIDES: Combined with Pesticide Both Manzate and Benlate can be combined with Malathion. A73-991 0
FUNGICIDES: Combining Other Characteristics Physan 20 is a fungicide, bactericide and algecide combined. A79-910 0
FUNGICIDES: Compatibility of Benlate and Truban They are freely compatible, use lttpg. Ben late and ltpg. Truban. A82-1178 0
FUNGICIDES: Effective The most effective is Benlate. A76-698 0
FUNGICIDES: For a Disease-free Greenhouse Use pesticides infrequently; use benomyl (Benlate) every three of four weeks 1 ttpg. plus a wetting-sticking agent; for some extraordinary disease add 1 teaspoon of Truban (ethazol) to the gallon of Benlate mix. A79-1022; A80-356 0
FUNGICIDES: Indoor Use on Plants Safe for in-home spraying is Malathion 50%, at the rate of 2 tpg.; or put on rubber gloves and apply the dilution with a soft brush to avoid splashing. A63-213 0
FUNGICIDES: Mixing Mix Benlate with Dexon; mix Benlate with Truban; do not combine Dexon with Truban because they both do the same thing; Dexon is stable only one or two days in water; the others somewhat longer. A74-792 0
FUNGICIDES: Most Commonly Used Truban 30WP, Banrot 40WP, Benomyl 50W, Physan 20 (Consan), Plantvax 75W, Shield 10W, Natriphene, Captan, Ferbam, Zineb, Daconil, Tersan. AH15+ 0
FUNGICIDES: Most Used Truban 30WP to control black rot fungi; Benomyl (Benlate 50W) for most pathogens but not Pythium ultimum, Phytophthora cactorum or bacteria; Physan 20, a wide-spectrum fungicide and bactericide; Natriphine to control black rots, etc.; 8-Quinolinol sulfate #1776, for control of rots and petal blights; Captan, Ferbam and Tersan 75. AH86-71 0
FUNGICIDES: Placed on Top of Vandaceous Plants Do not use Benlate which is specific for fungi which do not occur in crowns of vandas or phalaenopsis; use Captan. F80-20 0
FUNGICIDES: Recommended Captan, Dexon, Dithane, Ferbam, Morton's Soil Drench, Natriphene (Dowicide A), Panogen, Parzate C, Z-78, Zineb, OD67-50Dithio-carbonic acid derivatives: Ferbam; Nabam; Thiram, Zineb, Ziram; also Captan. OD65-13 0
FUNGICIDES: Regular Use Do not use fungicides such as Physan regularly or add it frequently to the fertilizer. A78-112 0
FUNGICIDES: The Best Banrot a combination of Truban and a benomyl-like fungicide will control most diseases; Physan 20 is an algecidal control. A78-495; Folpet (Phaltan) is best for warmer parts of the country; use it monthly as a wide-spectrum fungicide. OD73-139 0
FUNGICIDES: Weekly Spray for Brown Spot on Cattleyas Weekly spray with Physan (Captan 50%) plus intermittently with Natriphene is far too much and could cause the spotting. A75-618 0
FUNGICIDES: What Are the Effective Broad-spectrum Brands? Use Physan to control bacterial infections, benomyl (Benlate) is better for fungi, but where it fails use Truban or Banrot such as for Pythium; do not use Bordeaux in the greenhouse. A79-674 0

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