The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Fungus Disease

Fungus Disease Comments
FUNGAL DISEASES: Full Listing of Pests For the causes, hosts, symptoms, controls of every reported type refer to OBIV-2 74 0
FUNGAL ROTS: Cured with Sprays The three effective sprays are Physan 20 at 5ml. to 5 litres of water, Natriphene at lg to 2 litres of water,and Ben late at 3g to 2 litres of water. AU83-251 0
FUNGUS: Anthracnose-type Which Grows on Live or Dead Tissue It is easily controlled with benomyl (Benlate) 1 tpg.; or, use Dithane M5, 1.5 tpg. A78-1124 0
FUNGUS: Black, Sooty on Cymbidium Leaves It grows on the "honey dew" secreted by mealy bugs and will wash off. A63-641 0
FUNGUS: Diseases and Controls For a list of Cercosporas, their symptoms, controls, illustrations, prevention, etc. refer to A82-593; OBIV-265 0
FUNGUS DISEASES: Control of Gloeosporium (anthracnose) Remove diseased parts, spray with copper or Maneb M22 at 1.5 ttpg.; give lots of air. A65-536; latest control is Benlate at 1 to 1.5 ttpg. OWD 0
FUNGUS DISEASES: Of Plants For an overview refer to N315+ 0
FUNGUS DISEASES: Of Seedlings and Adult Plants For a review refer to W1-420+ 0
FUNGUS: In Bark in Pots White thread-like fungus grows fastest in media kept on the dry side; before bark begins to break down however the plant is usually repotted. A73-409 0
FUNGUS: Leaf and Flower Spotting They cause minor damage; they seldom kill a plant; they do detract from appearance for several years. AH 15 0
FUNGUS: Potting Mixes Orchids are tolerant of fungal neighbors around their roots and are unlikely to suffer; apply a weak fungicide other than Benlate. OR76-361 0
FUNGUS: Preventative Spraying Use Truban and Banrot every two months mixed together 1/2 tpg. of each in the same gallon of water. A87-794 0
FUNGUS: Resistance to Fungicide Development Fungi have shown some resistance to Benlate (benomyl); no resistance shown to Truban, or Dexon (which might be restricted in your area). A77-995 0
FUNGUS: Septate Type Spotting Under the Leaves Control it with a Banrot spray at lttpg. and repeat in two to three weeks. A82-690 0
FUNGUS: Spots on Phalaenopsis Leaves Use of Captan paste of doubtful value; Benlate is a much more effective fungicide and is systemic. A77-449 0
FUNGUS: Spot Treatment Use a paste made of Captan powder and a solution of Physan (1/2 teaspoon in 1/3 gallon of water) and apply it to the affected areas with Q-tips. OD87-154 0

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