Mold, Snow |
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MOLD, SNOW: Characteristics and Controls
It grows in the potting media and envelopes the roots so they are cut off from water and air; repot the plant, destroy all mold and media; immerse the bottom half of the plant in Physan l.5 tpg.; repeat if necessary. AH86-90
MOLD, SNOW: Fungicide as Control
Use Physan 20 at 1.5 tpg.; like Shield it is a combination of quarternary ammonium chlorides; so is Roccal. A75-781; A77-702; wash plant in Shield, one ounce to one gal. water and clean medium. S205
It does not harm the roots except to use the nitrogen which the plant would normally need; it also contributes to compost breakdown; use Maneb but not Benlate. OR82-102
MOLD, SNOW: On the Pot Medium
Control: drench or dip plant in Shield 10%, at one ounce per four gals, water; or use Physan 20 at 1.5 tpg., maybe more than once at a few days interval. A66-407; A76-895
MOLD, SNOW: Phytogaster Sp.
Not a parasite but a saprophyte on the growing media;, leads to poor growth; water-repellent fungus prevents roots from getting water and air; white powdery growth on the top of the media indicates the inside of the pot has been invaded; discard old media; immerse roots, rhizomes,etc. in Shield 10% at one oz. to four gals water; repeat if necessary; repot. AH22White powdery growth on media; covers roots and rhizomes; impermeable to water; treat with Shield at one ounce to four gals, water; repot. N319White powdery growth on top of bark or tree fern media; invades whole pot; a saprophyte on the media; suffocates the roots; control: drench with Semesan, ferbam, or Tersan 75 found to be not fully effective; use Shield as a dip or drench at one oz. per four gals, water at two week intervals; or use Physan 20 at X% ttpg. B37; BU37
MOLD, SNOW: Vinegar Dip
This has been recommended as a way to "discourage" it: one part of cider vinegar is added to 20 parts of water as an acid solution as a drench. Fitch -- All about orchids. (1981)-219