The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Pollen

Pollen Comments
POLLEN: And Viability When freeze-dried under vacuum its viability is maintained for years; if not stored properly its viability is two or three months. A68-911; ODA76-25 0
POLLEN: Cattleya From a stud plant producing a poor flower: if the plant is authentic the fact that the flower is not up to normal top quality has little effect on the merit of the pollen. A66-1025Removal time from flower = the best time is a day or two after the flower opens. A69-424; A72-151 0
POLLEN: Cymbidiums Storage method: remove it from the flower, fold in a piece of paper keep in envelope in the regrigerator; do not wrap in plastic; silica gel in a container can be used to keep the set dry; can be held two or three years. OA75-179Storage viability: if kept in a refrigerator it should remain viable for eight months. A77-527 0
POLLEN: Paphiopedilums Viability expected: it can vary from one species to another ; some will keep months in a dessicator at 40 to 50 deg.F.; most breeders prefer not to store it. A75-680 0
POLLEN: Storage It is best to wrap it in waxed or smooth paper, place it in a small bottle, cap it tightly and refrigerate at 45 dF and do not use any dessicator with it; keeps one year, with some 50% loss in germination or viability. A81-969Remove the seed from the capsule, fold it into clean,white, smooth paper, label it and place in a glass container, place on top shelf of refrigerator, not the freezer. F80-158Silica gel and calcium chloride as dehydrants drastically reduce the viability of pollen; if stored at 45 deg.F. it retains its viability better than at 72 deg.F.; much variability in longevity of species even in the same genus; some will keep a year if properly prepared. A69-388+The relevant temperatures are all-important; at 40 dF (4 dC) it loses its viability in six months; at 75 dF (25 dC) in three months, but at minus 79 dC it can be stored successfully for almost three years. Hort. revs. 1983-290Use small medicine capsules; place flakes of pollen inside and label with the plant name ... 0
POLLEN: Storage Method Store cattleya pollen in an air-tight container with a small amount of calcium chloride in the bottom; place in the freezer compartment at 8 deg.F., or in the regular section; it will keep eight months. A69-130; A77-43The best way to store pollen is in the refrigerator; place in wax paper then in a glass vial with a small amount of calcium chloride; then stopper it; place usually in the non-freezer area of the refrigerator. A77-527 0
POLLEN: Studies for Taxonomic Research A summary of facts about the nature of different seeds, for taxonomic research; refer to A83-620 0
POLLEN: Too Big to Apply to a Tiny Stigma Put some stigmatic fluid from the "female" or pod parent on a sterile surface, crush the pollen in it, stir to a paste, apply to the cavity of the "female" parent; it may help to use some stigmatic fluid from the pollen parent and apply over the paste already inserted. ODA76-22 0

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