The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Propagation

Propagation Comments
PROPAGATION: Asexual by Means of Young Inflorescences Inflorescences l.5 cm. (about half an inch) or less taken from sarcanthine orchids can be induced in aseptic culture to proliferate and become plantlets; recommended for commercial practice. A73-209+; for phalaenopsis, refer to NH73-13+; clonal propagation; a manual: refer to OB1-203+ 0
PROPAGATION: By Flower Stem Cuttings Plantlets on Phaius form at nodes of the cut stalks; after flowering cut the stalk closely to the base, remove the top just below its first blossom point, divide with at least three nodes per section, remove the protective sheathing at each node, place in diffused light and high humidity, in a few months when the eyes develop plantlets, they can be potted in a seedling mix in compot. OD86-197 0
PROPAGATION: Leaf Tips of Seedlings Epidendrum o'brienianum leaf tips were used to culture 20 to 100 plantlets per growing tip; refer to OD70-271+ 0
PROPAGATION: New Products Of interest to the Eric Young Micropropagation Centre is the Magenta GA7 Culture vessel and container and its improvements and application at the Centre. A81-1465 0
PROPAGATION: Paphiopedilum Stem First example recorded. A80-372 0
PROPAGATION: Phalaenopsis Stems A detailed description of the method is given; refer to A61-808+; the success rate was 10 to 15%; refer also to A65-437Pieces of stems grow large in the flask without producing roots; best recourse is to remove them and pot them up without the roots but to cover them with inverted glass to protect against dessication. A73-615Publications referred to as the authorities on methods: A66-40+ and A71-807+; refer to A74-34 for authors and titles.Technique summarized; refer to A61-808+Toxins produced in flask; reflasking may be advisable in the early stages, but may not be necessary, for reasons given; refer to A71-807+; refer to A74-300 0
PROPAGATOR BOX: For Starting Backbulbs, Growing-on Compots, or for Sick Plants Use a lead heating cable attached to a thermostat arranged on a rot-proofed wood base, with fiberglass walls to form a "box" which is first layered with 2 inches of sand under the cable and one inch of sand above the cable; keep the sand damp; insert the rod thermostat across the cable and one inch above the loops; construct a cover of glass or fiberglass; maintain a temperature of about 1O dF above the regular green-house temperature. OR84-13; ordinary tungsten lamps can be used as heat sources to raise phalaenopsis seedlings at a steady temperature . OR84-123 0
PROPAGATOR BOX: How to Make One Make a frame to your own dimensions with one by two inch lumber, with a separate frame for a door on top for easy access, or ventilation, then cover it with 2 or 4 mil polyethylene leaving the bottom open; sort of a large cloche. OD84-86 0

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