Root Tips |
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ROOT TIPS: Adventitious Plants
May be of significance for meristemming of the Catasetum-Mormodes-Cycnoches alliance; Catasetum roseum under cultivation, and Mormodes luxatum in the wild both grew mature plants from the roots. OD76-114; ODA76(l)-26
ROOT TIPS: Blacken or Recede on Cattleyas Before Growing Again
A condition usually due to excess salts, especially sodium in the water, or by excessively strong fertilizer solution. A70-345
ROOT TIPS: Browning and Streaking
It may not be caused by too-alkaline water; the causes are either excess of inorganic salt buildup, or excess acidity; accidental chilling of the root tips is an overlooked possibility; try using warmer water. OR76-224
ROOT TIPS: Eaten Away
This is usually caused by small hard-shell (Bush) snails less than i-inch in size; treat with Mesurol or metaldehyde. A82-352