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BEST PLANTS: Five Favourites for a Desert Island
Den. infundibulum, Lycaste Aphrodite, Onc. Tiger Wyld, Paph. hirsutissimum, Laelia gouldiana, Pleione formosana; for the greenhouse with 48dF. OR85-421
BEST PLANTS: Five More Favourites for a Desert Island
Nanodes medusae, Den. fimbriaturn var. occulatum, Coelogyne ochracea, Cym. Bulbarrow 'Will Stutley", Cycnoches chlorochilon. OR86-263
BEST PLANTS: For the Florida Keys
Vanda Miss Joachim is free-flowering, longest-blooming with longest-lasting flowers and with easiest culture; also Arachnis and its hybrids Arandas and Arantheras. A84-1180
BEST PLANTS: Ten Most Liked in Tampa
Laelia anceps (four clones), Encyclia vitellina, Stanhopea tigrina, One, microchilum, Gongora galeata, One. morenoi, Bepi. Gordon Vickers, Barkeria scandens. OIE86Jy-8