CYGON 2E: A Systemic Insecticide, How to Apply

Ailments Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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As a spray put 9 cc. in one gallon of water, or, 1 quart in 100 gallons of water; or, 2 ttpg.; reported injury to plants has not been proven out. A69-700
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Cygon 2E Comments
CYGON 2E: As a Regular Spray Use 3 tpg spray when temperature is below 70 Deg F. for control of scale and mealybug. A82-690 0
CYGON 2E: Compared with Cygon 4e Cygon 2E is 22% dimethoate and Cygon 4E is likely 43%; Cygon 4E is also a different formulation; avoid putting it on buds; it is often phytotoxic. A71-345; OD65-169(213) 0
CYGON 2E: Damage to Plants Claimed It consistently caused injury to Dendrobium moschatum, Den. pulchellum and a few others. A77-905 0
CYGON 2E: Injury to Plants It has been reported for some plants; in the case of cymbidiums a breakdown of color was reported, but suspected as being virus; that should be tested before the spray in condemned. A87-33 0
CYGON 2E: Insecticide, Systemic Also called dimethoate or Rogor E 32%; control for mealy-bug, aphids, red spider mite; use 1.25 teaspoon per Imperial gallon of water; it is not compatible with Captan, Dithane, or copper mixtures; it is toxic to humans with an LD50 of 215 mg.; use protective clothing. RMHDimethoate; controls scale, etc., by spraying thoroughly. A80-110 0
CYGON 2E: Systemic Insecticide Now considered unsuitable for some orchids; those injured include calanthes, Cycnoches ventricosum, Den. phalaenopsis, Den. moschatum. Neomoorea irrorata; "please do not use it on orchids". A86-506; A85-1438 0
CYGON 2E: Systemic Insecticides It is the same as Cygon 2.67, or Dimethoate, or Meta-systox R. A76-795 0

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