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Green Pod Culture | Comments |
GREEN POD CULTURE: Harvesting Times The time saved by comparison with seed culture is six to eight months; the optimum harvesting times for a long list of hybrids and species is given; refer to A76-305+; OD68-207 | 0 |
GREEN POD CULTURE: Method Surface sterilize the pod with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 20 minutes; cut open with a sterile knife; scrape out seed with sterile loop into Knudson-C agar or other nutrient solution; place in incubator for two months; transfer to light until differentiated, then transfer onto fresh agar, then treat as germinated dry seed. A72-1096 | 0 |
GREEN POD CULTURE: Of Phalaenopsis Technique; medium; culturing done 75 days after pollination of doritis and 85 for phalaenopsis; A62-819+; for embryo culture refer to A60-518 | 0 |
GREEN POD CULTURE: Time for Pod to Remain on Plant 100 days after pollination is sufficient for many genera. A65-909; A75-803 | 0 |
GREEN POD CULTURE: Time to Remove Wait till the flower end starts to turn yellow; aspasias, brassias and odontoglossums are long in ripening, up to ten months; many pods are lost because pods are removed too soon. OD77-101 | 0 |