If Tim Brydon gives the varietal name of ‘Tiffany’ to any of his Odonts, you’d better take notice! It means the plant is the best of the cross that he has bloomed. I am figuring that Tim remade the cross as both parents, Oda. Ray Buckman and Oda. Joe’s Drum were in wide circulation. I do wish the grand old man of Australian Odonts, Gerald McCraith, had not given this lovely flower such an awful name. Hard to research and of no significance to growers outside of Australia. But them’s the breaks. Essentially 100% English in its genetics, with both parents highly awarded, one might expect this hybrid to have started a dynasty.... not so! Two Everglade’s registrations where Milton Carpenter had been sent pollen and one other insignificant hybrid and that’s it. The decline in quality of Odont Alliance hybridizing is sad. We should work together to turn this shameful hiatus around, will plants like this be used, will their genetics be valued or will a group of us just shuffle off this earth with our key plants lost to the orchid world?