Photography credit: Andy Easton

Hybridizing Notes: Odtna. Brugensis remake - Howard Liebman

Oncidium Alliance

by Andy Easton

Originally published in The International Odontoglossum Alliance Journal , Supplement Spring 2020 in 2020

Posted by Sys Admin over 4 years ago.

This article references Mps. vexillaria, Cyr. edwardii, Odtna. Brugensis, Mps. William Pitt, Vuyl. Brewii.
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Known as Odtna. Brugensis, this 1913 hybrid between Mps. vexillaria and Cyrtochilum edwardii, was remade by Howard Liebman and treated with colchicine if I recall correctly. I had a number of seedlings, Howard is always generous but I found them difficult growers. They were all sent down to Colombia and one, Odtna. Brugensis 'Ligia' 4n was awarded for Colomborquideas in 2018 with an 86 point AM/AOS. Rather generous scoring in my view as a well-grown plant of the grex can have almost 100 blooms. Bob reports all sorts of fertility in his hybridizing efforts but he is likely using a 4n selection. There were only five registered crosses from Brugensis between 1921 and 1946, nothing since! Four were with other Mps. and Odtna. Bragelonne (Odtna. Brugensis × Mps. William Pitt) was used successfully by Keith Andrew in some red Vuyls. crossings, all sadly unregistered thanks to the Kewites! The lone cross of Brugensis to a non-Mps. was the hybrid between Vuyls. Brewii and Odtna. Brugensis and it never left one single registered offspring. What a waste!

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