Ailments Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Expressed in LD-50 (Lethal Dose for 50% of animals on which it was tested) plus a dose number, the lower it is the more lethal; examples: Chlordane 475 to 590; chlorobenzilate 3,100; Cygon 2E 215 to 245; Demeton .7 to 7.5; Diazinon 150 to 220; dimethoate 215 to 245; Dimite 500; Dithio Smoke 5; Guthion 15; Kelthane 575; Malathion 1,000 to 1,375; metaldehyde 630 to 1,000; Pano Drench 5; Panogen 5; Pyrethrum "low"; Sevin 400; Zectran 15 to 63. A73-712
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Insecticides

Insecticides Comments
INSECTICIDES: Best Ones Sevin 80% recommended; a wettable powder sprayed or dusted monthly; controls scale, mealy-bug and others including bush snails. OD73-139 0
INSECTICIDES: Emulsifiable Concentrate (e.c.) A creamy liquid; if free oil droplets float on the prepared mix the emulsion has broken down and must be discarded. SA84Dec-135 0
INSECTICIDES: Expensive Little Packages The smallest available package of Mesurol WP which is frequently recommended, is 1,5Kg at the price of NZ$124.00. NZ86-193 0
INSECTICIDES: Guidelines on Their Application Apply them only when the sun is down; when the foliage is dry and the pots wet; use those products which are least toxic to humans; use wettable powders for all concerned; take precautions from first to last; use a follow-up spray, or whatever, to deal with hatched eggs. OIE85My-14 0
INSECTICIDES: Harmful Sprays Species that can be damaged when in tender new growth include catasetums, cycnoches and mormodes. ODA77(4)-5+ 0
INSECTICIDES: In the Home Spray plants in the kitchen with Malathion which is as safe as any broad-spectrum insecticide can be; it is volatile and smells unpleasantly. A74-433Spray plants under lights in the basement with malathion, 1 to 1.5 tpg. RMH 0
INSECTICIDES: In the Home, for Spraying Use a clear plastic garbage bag about 30 inches by 40 inches; place layers of newspaper on bottom of lengthwise bag; place problem plants inside up to a dozen or so; use a sprayer with plastic opening closed tightly over the spray end; spray with insecticide; leave 1/2 hour; remove plants using rubber gloves; destroy bag and paper. ODA69-112 0
INSECTICIDES: Miticide Included Diazinon and Cygon are both excellent for insects including mites; Cygon has been reported as injurious to lycastes; test both of them first: Diazinon 50WP at 1 tpg., Cygon 2E at 1 to 2 tpg. A74-1062 0
INSECTICIDES: Not Effective Insects may have become resistant to a particular chemical, so speak to your agricultural agent; the chemical may have bben on the shelf too long as they sometimes deteriorate rapidly; the pH of the hose water used may be above neutral (7.0) when it should be between 4.5 and 5.5 (acidic) to be neutral. F81-125 0
INSECTICIDES: Not Specifically Recommended for Orchids Manufacturers do not try their products on all plants; if recommended for orchids and harm follows a damage suit could arise; Cygon was developed for some other control; it has harmed broughtonias; but is not necessarily harmful to others; sale is restricted in some places. F76-85 0
INSECTICIDES: Organic Dusts for Thrips Rotenone, Pyrethrums, Ryania, etc., are not as good as Malathion, plus a sticker-spreader. A80-1141 0
INSECTICIDES: Products Registered for Use on Orchids A list with those pests attacked, with dosage recommended; refer to AH86-62 0
INSECTICIDES: Prophylactic Spraying Overuse of deterrent sprays is not recommended because it encourages development of resistant strains of pests; it is best to treat each problem as it arises. A85-866 0
INSECTICIDES: Recommended Aramite, Cygon 2E, Malathion, Plant Fume. OD67-50 0
INSECTICIDES: Rubbing Alcohol Recommended for use on mealybugs, soft scale and possibly others, do the top and bottom of leaves as a spray; it quickly dessicates the pests. OIE86Sept-15 0
INSECTICIDES, SYSTEMIC: For Red Spider Use Murphy Systemic System Insecticide twice at a ten-day interval followed three weeks later by two further sprays of PBISystemic Insecticide, then monthly thereafter alternating the two; effective also on scale and mealybug. OR81-198 -- sprays = they are absorbed into the plant sap, like foliar feeding; they are usually effective but may have undesirable side-effects on such as phalaenopsis, paphiopedilums, small plants and plants in bud; they have a long residual action. SA84Dec-135 0
INSECTICIDES: Their Toxocity For a list of 197 poisons, their use and toxicity, cross references to other names, their LD-50 dose in mg., and the routes they take to poison people, refer to A66-881+; N364+ 0
INSECTICIDES: Wettable Powders (w.p.) Contact sprays with W.P. are often safer to use because less easily absorbed by both humans and plants; they are effective where they are carried by water droplets so a sticker/ spreader/wetting agent when added results in a more efficient treatment. SA84Dec-135 0
INSECTICIDES: When Not to Use In Florida never apply them when the temperature exceeds 85 or 90 deg.F.; spray in the late afternoon to avoid much injury to plants. DK23Never use them on wet foliage, or when the sun is shining on the plants. A68-589 0

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