LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Cultural Practices

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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For pointers on growing plants under fluorescent lamps; they require certain conditions and treatment which are set out in
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Lights, Growing Under Comments
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Arctic Set-up The north tip of Baffin Land has darkness from October to March; fluorescent lights were rigged up on a three-tier frame and a wide variety of genera were grown with success; for much detail refer to Ca85#l-18 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Automation Controls for watering, lighting, ventilation, etc. described and illustrated, refer to A86-704 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Basic Culture A review of requirements and conditions for successful culture; "low-light" category of plants are most adaptable; suitable species mentioned. A81-421; 536; A86-595 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Basic Culture Under Lights A review of requirements and conditions; "low-light" category of plants are most successful; a list of suitable species provided; refer to A75-792+ 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Best Fluorescent Lamps Opinions vary but it was first thought that the "natur-escent" types of lamps were best but later experiments show that "Tru-Bloom" produced better growth. Hort. revs. 1983,5-289 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Cattleyas Produce Few Blossoms A problem under lights; lower the minimum temperature to 62 dF at night and illuminate them longer to 13 hours. A81-393 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Comparison of Lamps 500 paphiopedilums grown under fluorescent lamps and the same number grown under high-pressure sodium lamps (SON/T) for nine months indicated the latter were better; also cheaper to install; they allow more headroom; give cheaper light. A76-337; OR75-16 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Continuous Light Non-stop light is wasteful; up to 16 or 18 hours is beneficial but after that the plants do not benefit; in winter in southern areas street plants growing under lamp standards show stress because they do not experience dormancy. A86-1131 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Gas in the Home Unadjusted pilot lights can do pollution damage to phalaenopsis flowers. A86-1030 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Genera Recommended It includes everything almost except cymbidiums, through some species are slow to flower, and the size of many species makes accommodation under lights almost impossible. A82-392 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Hours of Illumination From March to August provide 16 hours daily; January-February, and September-October 15 hours; and for November-December, 14 hours; results in an "early" spring. A75-30 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: In a Weather-controlled Area Instructions on how to construct; list of supplies needed; kinds of controls required and method of installation; for details refer to A70-581+ 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: In Living Area of the Home The main problem is one of water access and disposal; solution to the problem; 48 sq.ft. of growing space; refer to A75-985+ 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Low-light and High-light Requirement Plants Many apparently inappropriate genera will do better under lights than expected; list provided; refer to A74-585 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Natural Seasons Plants have the same seasonal requirements under lights; lights can be timed with timers to provide the approved number of light hours daily; by shutting them off the "night" temperature will be lowered. A67-597 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Nursery Use For large growers it is not cost effective, though some growers find it most successful on seedlings and flasks and young plants in winter. OA81-153 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Paphiopedilums Gro-Lux lamps produce excellent results for all types, for details refer to OA85-126 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Personal Account Notes on general culture, temperature, humidity, suitable species, for considerable detail refer to Ca87(2)-14 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Problems Associated with Growing For weakness of growth and failure to flower and related problems refer to AH45 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Questions Up to Date Half a dozen typical queries sent to the answer man by neophytes or those having difficulty; check them at A82-392 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Requirements for Different Genera Low-light intensity plants such as pnalaenopsis, paphiopedilums and some miltonia hybrids do well; hybrid cattleyas, frequently recommended, barely fulfilled expectations by available light from 44 watt tubes; high-light intensity vandas bloom only under expensive intense-light tubes. A72-116 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Short Course of Study A selection of 18 suitable genera and basic information on their culture with basic information on bulbs and fixtures, with a seasonal lighting schedule,- for September to October 12 hours; November to January 16 hours; February to June 18 hours; July to August 16 hours; temperatures recommended, cultural guidance, etc., refer to A86-1204 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Sodium Vapor Lamps The effect of one lamp shining in the neighbor's back yard all night should not disturb cymbidium's growth cycle as they are responders to temperature much more than to light; many other plants grow under street lamps without ill effect. A86-815 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Suitable Plants A list of 42 successful plants, hybrids and species which flowered; plant size; light intensity required; color of flowers; length of bloom; season; and comments; refer to ODA77(2)-14+Successful flowering over the years was had from Paph. callosum, P. bellatulum, Phal. Edyth Wood, Phal. Zada, P. Liese Pigors, Onc. cheirophorum, Leptotes bicolor; Comparettia falcata, Aerangis rhodosticta, Cattleya mossiae and Brassavola nodosa. A75-31 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Suitable Species A list of about 35 plants with low-light requirements; refer to A74-792+ 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Summertime, Moving Plants Outside It is not recommended in areas with only three months summer because the advantages are off-set by problems, especially insects, brought back into the lighted area. A82-393It is recommended in the N.J. area, in order to save electricity and because many plants benefit from it such as vandaceous types (not the easiest to satisfy under lights), cattleyas, laelias, epidendrums, oncidiums, but not phalaenopsis, paphiopedilums, miltonias, odontoglossums and other low-light growers. A82-1059 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Sunrise-sunset Simulation Turn on half the lights in the morning four hours before the rest of them and reverse the procedure in the evening, with only 10 hours full light in the eyele; this will reduce temperature by seven to 10 degrees, to achieve abundant flowering, especially in small plants; orchids not mentioned. The Gloxinian 1979,no.5 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Transfer of Plants to Greenhouse Reduce the light by shading the greenhouse to provide from 2,000 to 2,500fc. of light at noon; until plants are hardened. A75-124 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Use of Super-high-output Fluorescent Tubes Orchids seem to grow faster and require more water and fertilizer than under ordinary lamps; provide three areas of different light intensity; refer to A71-869+ 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: Wardian Cases The wonder of the Victorian era is back again, this time with the assist of fluorescent lights, to provide a case five feet long with 160 watts of light, with metal trays for humidity, Braun desk-top fans, air intake from outside the house by means of an air-dryer fan hookup, with several timers; in time the cases grew into three of a kind, refer to OR85-295; a few years later it became a spread of 800 plants, 330. 0
LIGHTS, GROWING UNDER: What Temperature, Humidity, Light Hours and Distance Between Lights and Leaves Required Night temperature should be from 60 deg.F. to about 64; day should be 70 to 80 deg.F.; high humidity in the 60 to 70% range recommended; leave lights on for seedlings for 16 to 20 hours. A70-235 0

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