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Malathion | Comments |
MALATHION: Combines with Fungicides Both Benlate and Manzate can be combined with it. A73-991 | 0 |
MALATHION: Insecticide/miticide A stomach and contact poison; recommended for springtails, red spider mites, aphids, mealy bugs, ants; apply at 1 ttpg. weekly; has an LD-50 of 880 mg. A71-894; OD65-168 | 0 |
MALATHION: Insects Apparently Immune Try adding a wetter-sticker at the rate of 1/2 tpg. to the Malathion spray of 1.5 tpg. A75-500 | 0 |
MALATHION: Never Take it for Granted The most frequently recommended insecticide but do not take it for granted; it is a poison; it will harm some flowers; it will spot some masdevallias; drops of the spray produce burns on cattleyas, miltonias and others. A73-713 | 0 |
MALATHION: Organophosphorous Compound It is effective against aphids, thrips, mealey bugs, scale insects, and fungus gnats; has a short residual action. AH13 | 0 |
MALATHION: Safe Dose for the Immersion of Plants Use 1.5 tpg. of 50% liquid, or 2 ttpg. of the 25%WP. A77-1101 | 0 |
MALATHION: The 25w Type A wettable powder, it should be used at 2ttpg plus 1/4 to 1/2 of a teaspoon of wetting agent for best effect. A82-1178 | 0 |
MALATHION: Toxicity Reactions in Humans Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, nasal discharge, congestion, nervousness, tremor, dizziness and convulsions. A68-583 | 0 |