Meristemming |
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MERISTEM CULTURE: Without a Laboratory
An easily learned technique using a dissecting microscope (if you just happen to have one handy), a bunsen burner or other flame (it must be in a chem lab) plus a few needles and some household bleach, then you can follow the steps illustrated; refer to OR82-216
MERISTEMING: Mutations Arising
Millions of plants were run off in an experiment and almost all were true to type, so mutations were extremely few in that case: one run of 20,000 plants produced 99.99% true; refer to W9-223
MERISTEMING: Of Cattleyas, Using Alternatives
Other media and methods, such as enhanced axillary branching are explained to obtain explants to place first into a Starting Solution, then a Short Multiplication Medium, then into a Resting Medium; recipes and procedures spelled out; from one explant 500 were attained in 10 months; refer to A84-167
MERISTEMING: Variable Success Rates
The success rate in 1984 for odontoglossums was only about 25% but for oncidiums and miltonias it was over 90%. OA84-6
MERISTEMMING: And Tissue Culture
Early meristem culture placed in appropriate context; future possibilities the technique is expected to hold for orchid growers; refer to QR67-37+
MERISTEMMING: Clonal Multiplication
For a review of principles and practical applications, refer to W2-169+; tissue culture,a manual, OB1-203-293
MERISTEMMING: Cymbidium Excisions Photographed in Color
Nine color photos show the progressive stages in excision of a meristem; refer to A71-580+
MERISTEMMING: Mutations Arising
It can happen; Miltonia Goodale Moir 'Jungle Surprise' is distinct from the batch of 'Golden Wonder' and was therefore given a new clonal designation. F72-13Plants should mericlone true, but there is a long-odds chance that a mutation will happen. A77-108
Procedures stage by stage; refer to OD66-45+ (G.S.Morel); OD69-111+
Various models are available, but the rotor wheel is more often used; supplier address given. A77-619