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MOSS: On Tree-fern Slabs or Potting Media

Culture Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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It is a good practice to get it to grow with those plants which should not dry out between waterings; it also prevents growth of algae. A68-1007
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More The Orchid Doctor Articles under the Heading Moss

Moss Comments
MOSSES, WOODLAND: As Growing Medium Two types are recommended: Rhytidiopsis robusta, found in damp boggy locations and on rocks in dank shade; and, Camptothecium aerium, also found on rocks, cliff faces, trees, northern exposures with much moisture; in nature they are both dry in the hot weather in the Pacific Northwest. A62-988 0
MOSS, FERN: An Excellent Potting Medium Thuidium delicatulum grows mostly on half-rotted trees and logs on the forest floor in sizeable sheets; after three years experiment with it only paphiopedilum didn't: grow well on it because it was too acid for it; the pH is from 3,5 to 4.5and changes little with age; pot lightly, as it holds water very well; does not collapse in the pot. A65-967+ 0
MOSS: Growing on Pots It is not considered harmful to plants; try using a dryer mode of culture. A69-793 0
MOSS, SHEET: An Excellent Potting Medium Hypnum imponens, it grows with Fern moss (which see) and it has the same characteristics. A65-667+ 0

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