Names |
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NAMES: Changes by Taxonomic Research
A description of the work of the lumpers and splitters, the problems they encounter and the results of their work; refer to A83-385
NAMES: Clonal, and Changes
The name of a specific clone can be changed by the original owner if all the plants are still owned, and if it has not been shown or received an award; numbers originally assigned to identify them can be changed to a "fancy" name when the plant is awarded. F75-113
NAMES: Common
As indicators of plant characteristics; a list of common or local names, with their botanical equivalents; refer to A77-519+; OD71-150+
NAMES: Common Names
For a list of about 130 species with both Latin and common names; refer to Ca82(6)-41
NAMES: Common or Native Names
They are imprecise and inaccurate and duplicated often, so they lead to confusion; many examples given. A85-980
NAMES: Cultivar Names
These apply only to vegetative propagations such as divisions and mericlones of the original plant. A82-804; OR87-102
NAMES, CULTIVAR: Their Orchid Hybrid Recognition
A strong plea for publishing the names of the cultivars used in crosses; the grex is more important than the mass of progeny; refer to OR87-68; the reasons why it would be wrong to publish them; they are misleading and it would be a mistake to publish them in Sander's List of orchid hybrids; refer to OR87-102; 256; why it must be done and the speciousness of the arguments against it. OR87-387
NAMES: Hybrid Generics
A list of derived names originated by growers and horticulturists from 1887 to 1973, with sources; refer to W2-485+For the latest list of combined names from genera, see Sander's list of orchid hybrids.RMH
NAMES: Orchidaceae Family
Classification of orchids in brief, with subfamily and tribe names, refer to AU85(4)-6; see also D.Sander's Orchids and their culture, for a fold-out family tree, page 165
NAMES: Pronunciation
Many Latin names are mis-pronounced; cattleya is pronounced properly KAT-lee-uh. A86-147
NAMES: Variety and Cultivar
The use and misuse, definitions, examples, confusion, especially in cultivars that are awarded and in "horticultural separations"; many changes advocated; refer to A81-811
NAMES: Write, Type or Print Them
Guide to correct usage. A80-384+