Nutrition |
Comments |
NUTRITION: Essential Plant Compounds
The awesome chemical phenomenon of photosynthesis; macronutrients (nitrogen, etc.) and micronutrients (Iron, etc.) and their functions in water and potting media; for fascinating details refer to A81-1087
NUTRITION: In Tropical Forests
Distribution and density of plants, the role of birds and other animals, nutrition from everything possible -- litter, rainfall, throughfall and stemflow; role of epyphylls or run-off from other plants; refer to AU85-(3)-13
NUTRITION: Of Three Orchid Genera
N, P, K. and Mg.; scientific studies show cymbidiums and phalaenopsis attain optimal growth at lOOppm. of N., 50 to 100 ppm. of K., and 25ppm. of Mg. and for cattleyas the optimal at 50ppm. each of N.,K.,Mg,; lOOppm. of Mg. decreased growth. AU84-44 (the Poole and Seely study)
NUTRITION: Principles
Review of all aspects, from a scientific point of view; refer to A61-277+