PH of Water |
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PH METERS: Electronic Type
How do they work? -- place a small amount of potting bark or tree fern in water enough to moisten the medium and the electrode or probe and test. A81-688
PH OF WATER: Acidifying Small Quantities
Use phosphoric acid in a sink full of water, adding it drop by drop until the desired and tested-for acidity is reached and before pots with plants are immersed in it. A57-417; use citric acid. A73-917
PH OF WATER: Adjusting Ph When Too High
Use dilute sulphuric acid or dilute orthophosphoric acid. A68-719; A78-13
PH OF WATER: Adjusting with Vinegar
Do not use vinegar to adjust the pH if it is too high; not recommended because acetates can be toxic to plants. A78-13
PH OF WATER: Appropriate
Water can have a pH reading of from 4 to 9; the water of Gainsville FL is close to 8.5 and has been used at the University of Florida without serious problems since Ponce de Leon. A85-471
PH OF WATER: Citric Acid Used
Local water supply was highly alkaline, pH of 10.5, and was lowered to 5.5 twice weekly using a Hydromix proportioning unit; a drop or two of food coloring was also added. A72-1003
PH OF WATER: Cymbidiums
The best pH for them is not so much a matter of pH as to make sure the water is low in salt content. A70-725Their requirement is around 7.0. A78-713
PH OF WATER: How to Raise It
To raise the pH cf your water supply above 5.0 it is receommended to use sodium hydroxide as the basic solution. A88-35
PH OF WATER: Its Effect on Orchids
A pH of 5 or lower is satisfactory for watering if the sodium and calcium content are not too high; the facts can be found out from your city authorities; a laboratory analysis will determine if your supply is satisfactory. A82-804
PH OF WATER: Recommended
A satisfactory analysis for Somerville,N.J. is a pH of 7.2; it has a water supply like most of N.J.; some supplies are high in soluble salts; 8.4 in North Brunswick,N.J. is good despite the high pH reading. A71-715
PH OF WATER: Satisfactory Range
7 is recommended A78-309; other pH possibilities are: 8.0 to 8.4 is completely satisfactory; 7.2 or 8.4 should not be tampered with, depending on the locality; between 5.0 and 5.6 (medium strong acidity) gives excellent results also; references cited. A73-916
PH OF WATER: Softeners
De-ionization produces excellent water for orchids; salt, or ion, displacement does not; chemical supply houses sell small laboratory de-ionization or de-mineralizer units. A80-4
PH OF WATER: Sulphuric Acid Used to Reduce Ph to 5.6
The long range effects are none if pots are leached with every watering; orchids tolerate good amounts of sulfates. A75-500
PH OF WATER: Testing
Litmus paper used to determine pH is unsatisfactory because color variations are too subtle to be determined; use a colormetric method where drops of Brom Creosol Purple are added to water to get a color reading. A73-55; OD65-120
PH OF WATER: Tree Habitats
Rain water has a low pH; activity of fungi, bacteria, lichens, algae etc. on bark, plus leaf leaching produce an acid state through production of organic acids; fungi normally like a pH of 4.5 to 6.5, and possibly produce organic nutrients as amino acids and vitamins. F68-112
PH OF WATER: Well-water
If it has a pH of 5 and contains 105ppm. of calcium it is a suitable pH and is not excessive in calcium. A78-812; A80-739