Root Rot |
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ROOT ROT: Control in Cymbidiums
Dexon gives good control of rot caused by water molds; is moderately toxic to humans; Benlate and Physan may have good potential; Shell Drench 345 fungicide is commonly recommended. C72-83
ROOT ROT: Pellicularia Filamentosa
A fungus, causes brown rot; can kill small seedlings rapidly; a brown mycelium infects the roots and other parts; soak in Natriphene at 1:2,000, or treat with Zineb or Tersan; repot clean. N317; use Terraclor, Tersan or Natriphene. S199A most destructive disease in Florida; young and mature plants of many genera are attacked; those growing in old and water-logged media are most often attacked; it is worldwide; a brown mycelium attacks roots and rhizomes; mature plants may decline gradually; remove plants, dip in Terrachlor for five minutes at 1.5 to 2 ttpg.; repot clean. B29; BU39 (Rhizoctonia solani)
ROOT ROT: Rhizoctonia
Control: use Captan at 1 ttpg. as a spray or Terraclor at 1 ttpg. as a drench; also, Chinosol, oxyquinolate benzoate, or sodium-o-phenylphenate (Natriphene) in a 1:2,000 solution; drench. P71(2)-24
ROOT ROT: Rhizoctonia Solani
Brown rot usually confined to roots, sometimes enters the rhizome; the decline of plant is gradual; cut off all affected parts; drench with Benlate at 1 ttpg. or Banrot at 1 ttpg. if Phytophora cactorum or Pythium ultimum are also present. AH17It attacks plants and seedlings in a wide range of genera, usually growing in bark or tree fern; it is a brown rot which sometimes extends into the rhizome; in mature plants the decline is gradual; to cure it, cut off the diseased roots, etc., drench the plant in benomyl (Benlate 50W) solution at lttpg. AH86-72Most destructive in Florida; mycelium and sclerotia of the fungus attacks roots and rhizomes; if unchecked it advances up the stems and into the leaves; the decline of the plant may be gradual; dip the plant in benomyl for five minutes, at 1 ttpg.; or, remove the plant and dip in ferbam for five minutes at 2 ttpg.; completely rootless plants can be dipped in Terraclor 75WP. BU39
ROOT ROT: Various Fungi Cause it
The first visible symptoms may be a yellowing of the pseudobulbs from the base upwards; cut off all rotted roots and infected sections of the rhizome together with affected parts; soak the good parts in Natriphene; then treat with Tersan. A66-401; A73-814