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ROTS: Fungal and Bacterial
Those that attack roots, pseudobulbs and leaves are numerous and have difficult names; here they are listed, illustrated for recognition and their controls supplied; to avoid meeting up with any of them it is recommended that you use a periodic spraying with Physan at 1 to 1.5 tpg. monthly as "preventative maintenance"-, which may not be approved by all. A82-479; address for identification service. OIE88Apr-l
ROTS: Fungus or Bacterial
Systemic controls that are recommended for use on seedlings or mature plants include such names as Benlate and Difolatan especially for fungal problems; Black rot and Brown rot are both caused by bacteria and they are best controlled by Truban, which is available in most nurseries. OIE85Jy-7
ROTS: Pseudobulbs
Bulb rot or black rot is caused by Pythium and Phytophthora, which are closely related soil-inhabiting fungi whi ch spread under warm wet conditions and can be splashed about with a hose; try to apply chemicals as protective measure, especially in early spring; Fungarid is one such recommended in Australia. AU83-250