Do not mature in Louisiana; flower bud formation is influenced by length of day plus night temperature which can be too high in Louisiana; perhaps lighting left on in the growing area. A76-1007
Drying of sheaths is common on winter and spring bloomers; remove them when they begin to yellow by tearing strips of the sheath downwards carefully to the pseudobulb, to let the buds develop; moisture and condensation in the dying sheath causes bud loss. A85-435
No sheaths at all are produced; the cause in not known. A76-115; stimulate with good light and fertilizing. A80-630
They appear but produce no blooms; the cause may be excessive fertilizing; remove the sheaths. A69-424; A75-1090
They turn black and withered mostly because of water standing in the leaf-blade where the sheath begins. A83-24
They turn yellow and wither because their growth is usually in the spring and one type flowers without hesitation, but the other waits until late fall or early spring next year by which time the sheaths are often dry and papery. A83-24