They are fatty acid salts and provide action against bacteria, fungi and organisms; some are toxic to certain insects and mites and others affect algae, lichens, liverworts. Ca81(4)-43
They are fatty acid salts and provide action against bacteria, fungi and organisms; some are toxic to certain insects and mites and others affect algae, lichens, liverworts. Ca81(4)-43
Soaps | Comments |
SOAPS: A Detergent as a Pest Control For scale on a small number of plants soapy water and a toothbrush can be used effectively for spider mites; a soapy spray will control them for a while but will not eradicate them. A83-600 | 0 |
SOAPS: As Pesticides When fertilizing, for every 10 tablespoons of dry fertilizer one tablespoon of a biodegradable soap product is added to the proportioner solution and this prevents fungi and algae growth throughout and keeps plants spotless. A84-697 | 0 |