VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: In Dendrobium Ovules

Ailments Orchid Doctor

by Robert M. [Bert] Hamilton (Compiler)

Originally published in The Orchid Doctor in 1980 and 1988

Posted by Sys Admin about 8 years ago.

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Cymbidium Mosaic virus is not transmitted in ovule culture, A79-1247
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Virus in Plants Named Comments
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: Detector Plant Spathoglottis is sensitive to any virus; seedlings on exposure to virus denote its presence in four to six wks. after inoculation as diamond-shaped spots or rings; refer to N326 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: In Cattleyas Descriptions of severe color break; mild flower break; symetrical flower break; blossom brown necrotic streak; leaf necrosis; severe leaf necrosis; cymbidium mosaic virus; cymbidium necrotic ring-spot; tobacco mosaics; for identification notes, refer to N321+Identification in cattleya types; the infection seriously reduces the keeping quality of the flowers. A73-208 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: In Cymbidiums Cymbidium mosaic virus; necrotic ringspot; diamond mottle; bar mottle; odontoglossum ringspot; for notes on identification, etc., refer to N323+ 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: In Paphiopedilums The signs vary; sometimes the whitish spots and streaks are elongated, sometimes relatively broad and whitish; Ref. A76-206. Please omit. Insofar as determined they are free of virus. OWD 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: In Slc. Anzac While all plants may be suspect, some may not be; many plants with virus look quite healthy; sterililize everything that contacts a suspected plant; wash the hands that touch any cut surfaces or roots. A75-124 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: In Wild Plants No Cymbidium Mosaic or Odontoglossum ringspot was found in 150 species in Florida and Guatemala, whereas 168 same or related plants from local growers in Florida showed 26% of them virused with rates in one collection as high as 69%. A79-26+ 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: Not Affecting Flowers All plants of the original Oncidium Goldiana are infected with virus; this doesn't affect the quality of the flowers or the productivity. OR80-45 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: Odontoglossum Ring-spot Virus Characteristics = it is limited mainly to Onc. (Rossioglossum) grande; causes leaf symptoms first as necrotic spots, enlarging to form necrotic rings; leaves turn yellow, drop prematurely; no flower symptoms. OD68-149 0
VIRUS IN PLANTS NAMED: Unsuspected in Popular Orchids In many commercial and private collections reed-stem epidendrums, including E. ibaguense, are infected with Cymbidium Mosaic virus and show only mild symptoms but they act as prime infectors of other plants; 21 other genera named. A65-19 0

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