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Colors of Flowers | Comments |
COLORATION OF PLANTS: As Indicative of Flower Color Crosses made to produce red or dark off-spring produce plants indicative of the color at the seedling stage and can be culled or selected by the experienced grower. OA79-87 | 0 |
COLORS IN FLOWERING: Judging of Hues The American Orchid Society and the American Horticulture Council adopted the Nickerson Color Fan (Maxima Chroma -- 40 Hues) for color descriptions in awards, etc. A58-108 | 0 |
COLORS IN FLOWERING: Treatment with Sunlight As buds emerge, reds, browns, dark pinks and strong yellows deepen and strengthen under strong sunlight; whites, pastels should be shaded and greens heavily so; applies to cymbidiums mostly. OR77-348 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Analysis For details on genetic controls, chemistry, strategies in breeding for red and other colors, plus light-reflecting epidermal jewels and "hairs"; light quality and judging flowers by it, also, color photography; refer to SA86Sept-109 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: "Art Shades" Meaning Usually anything that has unusual colors or combination of colors; in cattleyas it means anything almost, not plain purple or white. A84-473 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Describing of Flowers Problems of terminology and description in writing about colors; the variability of pigments and their value by consensus of opinion; genetics in albas, self-colors, concolors, peloric flowers and others, refer to AA86-89 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: How to Enhance Them It is boosted by an acidic medium, as in tree fern, AU82-36 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: Red in Breeding Red in orchids is connected with smallness; fiery reds are tricky especially in oncidium breeding and lead to small flowers; most spots and splashes are red; out of a dozen flasks of a "red" cross one good red plant may result. NH78(1)6 | 0 |
COLORS OF FLOWERS: The Important Descriptives in Latin/greek/english Albo-/leuco/white; virido-/chloro-/green; flavo-/xantho-/yellow; roseo-/rhodo-/red; nigro-/ melano-/black; purpureo-/porphyro-/purple; viola-/iono-/violet; aureo-/chryso-/gold; vini-oeno-/wine. AA86-92 | 0 |